On this week's episode of The Radcast, Ryan Alford, Josh Hill and the team discuss guest Coffey Anderson, upcoming Nielsen Holdings episode, holidays, Instagram ditching Swipe-up links in favor of stickers, Facebook retooling messaging, and more.
humanoid robots that Elon Musk is building. Like they're actually like, they look like exactly from what like I robot with Will Smith or whatever it was. Like they look exactly like that. Why? That's my question. To do why? The task and jobs that people don't really wanna do. Instagram is ditching swipe ups in favor of sticky. What does that mean? Another bit of the head scratching news from a brand. Mountain Dew introducing flaming hot.
Mountain Dew drink. Pepsi's hottest crossover. Yeah. Yeah, that's not. Well, dude, the people that eat the flaming hot are probably drinking Mountain Dew at the same time. So that, you know, I mean. Get it all at once. Yeah. Skip the middleman. The hottest part of ending is starting again.
You're listening to the Radcast. If it's radical, we cover it. Here's your host, Ryan Alford. Hey guys. What's up? Welcome to the latest edition of the Radcast. Wow. Hey, I'm excited today, gentlemen. August 27th, Friday. I'm joined by Joey, Joe and Sean. What's up, brothers? What's going on? In the flesh. All three of us. All three. Hey, Sean decided to come back.
I like it. Yeah. Yeah. And Joey tried to bail to and it's like a medical hiatus, a personal personally imposed medical hiatus. It did. No, it went pretty well without you guys last week. So, OK, yeah. OK, maybe the best one. Somebody said, right, the best one that they did. They did say that. They said it was they said it was like addition by subtraction. Sure. OK, sure. Something I don't know, something like that. I don't know. It was my mom. But still, she's very smart. Yeah. Yeah. So.
I'm still getting over my coke breakup, but I think I laughed for like three days over that. I re-listened every episode, admittedly, and I laughed again. My wife thought I was really silly. Do you fall asleep to it? Oh, it's like a lullaby. On a loop, your own voice. It's a 15 second clip that just plays over and over and over again. It's the same thing as like creating a video, but you guys create videos all the time. Do you watch back your videos to make sure that you did it right? I feel like you're being a little defensive.
I feel like we might need to have a... Yes. We gotta improve our craft around here, you know? Some of us aren't natural actors, you know? Probably all of us. Yes, I do know. Ha ha. Very good. We've had a good week at Radical. It's busy. Super busy. Here is the Radcast News. And if anything, I had seven meetings yesterday on my calendar. That's a fun, fun day. That's seven more than I had.
Great. Anybody listen to coffee Anderson? Awesome episode. Uh, I got excited just listening to it again, uh, in my rehash and he was energetic, let's say that, but he was awesome. And, uh, we've got a little different podcast coming next week. You know, we've been, you know, doing some of down the entertainment and people talking to people's journeys and their business and all that. But Nielsen, the company does TV ratings. We had two other people on Cara and Imran. Uh, and.
talked about the realities of branding in 2021 and how marketing spend has gone all towards sales driven activity and not branding activity, and it's actually causing some real issues because everybody's focused on ROI like day one. So this will be a more educational podcast for sure. What, like what's an example of the sales? So I'm running.
Facebook ads with the, I'm going to get real like to the micro level. I run a Facebook ad. I'm, I'm a t-shirt e-commerce brand and I'm not extremely well known yet. And I run t-shirt ads that are 15.99 for a surfer dude t-shirt. So that's, that's low funnel, like performance marketing type activation. Whereas branding would be.
A video about the story of the company, an influencer that's backing it because they give 15% of their profits to charity and a thematic story, or the CEO going on a podcast to talk about why he started the company. Those are brand marketing activities. And what's happened in the marketplace is because everybody's so ROI focused and they're not playing the long game, they're running way too much performance marketing.
in absence of awareness building marketing. Because what's happened is you have a purchase funnel, you know, most things, unless it's just some, a convenience toilet paper or something like. You need to be aware of the brand, but to then gain intent to buy the brand, to then ultimately purchase it. There's a, there's a cycle for that or a funnel. And what's happened is everyone's trying to push them down to the bottom, which is purchase as fast as possible when they've done nothing to really
raise attention, awareness, familiarity at the top of the funnel. And that's just the way marketing works. It's still the same. People aren't aware of you. They don't buy you. You don't, you go, you know, if you walk into a store and if you had Joe below t-shirt on the left and a Nike t-shirt on the right, you know, you know why you want to buy that Nike t-shirt because they've built brand for 50 years. And you know them, you're familiar with them. They've told stories. You liked Michael Jordan growing up. You like Kobe Bryant, whatever that might've been. Uh,
They've been branding forever and that's familiarity. And what's happened is people are trying to shortcut that by just focusing on promotional speeds and feeds, the benefits of what they do instead of the story of what they do or why, or influence. Like, so you're just seeing a lot of movement towards that and they just, Nielsen just did a big study on it about the negative impact that's coming from that. It's like, like,
Like using coupons sort of almost, would that be kind of a, that would be an absolute, exactly. Yeah. And then people say, I don't have a coupon. I'm not going to go there. And you've actually drilled into exactly the issue, especially with e-comm. I'm quite smart. Everyone, everyone starts with giving away 15% and they, their margins are really small when they do that. And then they, but that drives business.
And so their business stays forever driven by that. That's why Joseph Banks practically gone out of business. Like Jose Bank, four suits for a hundred dollars, right? You'll never buy a $300 suit at Jose Banks because they've eroded the value of the, of the brand from day one. So that's the like epitome of it, you know? But it's also the problem though, is the only way for true growth for mass marketing or mass brands is broader awareness. You have to pay, you know, like it's like, well, no shit, but like,
A lot of people are trying to circumvent that by just going straight at like what they sell, you know, versus creating and resonating with people. And it's not just about being emotional. Some people don't care about what the brand does or whatever, but you still have to be in the mindset because mindset's fleeting because we see 10,000 ad messages a day. What I remember growing up, I was, I grew up in the surf industry and as kids, these, these companies became successful literally based off of stickers.
Like they would give all the kids stickers and have them go put them up on signs. And it built, as we got older, we grew with the brand. Familiar. Yeah. So brands like Volcom became massive. But when I was a kid, they were these small company and, but they literally built up like this gorilla army behind it. And as it, you know, we got older, then we started buying all the product and there was a familiarity with it. Exactly. Is a surf industry in New Jersey? Yeah. You said you grew up in it.
Yeah. Is that a joke? Is there a joke beyond that? Yeah. Am I supposed to laugh now? Nice. Nice. Hang ten, bro. Yeah. I know. So yesterday was National Dog Day. Anybody have dogs? I have a dog. All right. No. Yes. I really like dogs.
I really, I really like dogs. I do. It's like weird. They walk around. I'm the first guy that's paying it off. We have no animals. You know, it's not practical to me. Like we live in a loft building and 80 percent in the in the loft we're at have dogs, a lot of them single guys and girls. And I'm like, why the hell if you're single and 28 years old, do you bog yourself down with a fucking dog? Like you can't.
You want to go like you're francy free. You can go on weekends. You can go wherever you want. And you got to deal with the damn dog. And plus you got to like take it outside to shit like in a loft, right? Oh, yeah. Yeah. I passed. I passed single. I mean, I'm father of four. I passed single dudes and girls every day that are like take their dog out. Picking up dog shit. And I'm like, you are. That's some people's pickup lines, though. I feel like that's their conversation. Start. I think a dog feces. Yeah. Yeah. A lot of people are just lonely.
I guess it's company. Yeah. Like coming home to something. Yeah. I've got seven dogs. OK. I live in a studio. Sure. An actual studio. Yeah. We share the bed. I feel like everybody's used to renting stuff out now, like or doing like Uber or whatever. So people that are dog walkers that maybe like their version of renting a dog for money, you know what I mean? Kind of like a weird roundabout way. It is a good pickup. Like if you're a single guy, you should be a dog walker. Sure. You don't want to have the dog because you want to be free to.
go on the weekends with the girls you're trying to pick up, right? But you'd be a dog walker and be like, yeah, I got Fido today. And they don't know that it's not your dog. It can, it can be a little bit of a pain. Like when we go, go somewhere, we have to have somebody either come stay at our house or we go to the lake in the summer every weekend, just about. And I'm like, if I had to deal, but what now what's happened is everyone takes their dog everywhere. I was going to say you could take it. We go to the lake and we're out on an Island or something like that. And there's four freaking dogs. And I'm like, you know, I, I like dogs. I really do. We believe you.
But I don't I just don't it's like they're jumping all over things. I'm like, I didn't come out here to deal with your dog. I think I think about it like when I go to the coffee shop and there's dogs in the coffee shop. Like what happens if I'm terrified of dogs? Like what happens if I had a childhood experience where I got attacked by a dog and I have to walk into a coffee shop full of dogs? Very specific. You know? Yeah, very specific. Are you again? Are you I mean, I don't want to talk about it. OK. Yeah. Where'd you brought it? Yeah, you know, I'm just saying I just don't know the boundaries of like, why does
Why is your dog, when it becomes my problem, it's really only the lake that this is happening. Like around the building, I just kind of go, yeah, why are you doing that? But don't really care. None of my business. But my favorite is like when the dogs start barking loudly and they're like, oh, they keep saying the dog's name. And he never normally does this. Yeah. Yes, he does. You hear it every time I pass them. We did have this hyper aggressive dog in our house. And like, literally I got on the, in the elevator.
And the dog's in there and he is like, he's ready to eat my head off. Yeah. And I told the guy that he's has a lawsuit coming because if that dog bites one, it's one thing I'm going to punch him in the face, but if he bites my kid, you, you, you probably aren't worth much, but I will take every penny and punch him in the face. Like double, but he was like hyper aggressive. Like I'm telling you, like, you see that like he's like ready to eat my arm.
The dog's gonna die. And he's just walking around the building. And he kept finally, I either got the hint or he got complained on and he's not around anymore. But it's like, I don't know. Yeah, I don't take my dog anywhere on purpose because I know, A, he's going to piss all over everything. Like if I took that dog to PetSmart, dude, he would piss on everything you walk by, everything. And B, he's not that nice. So I don't take him. I take him on walks solo. I'm sure he'll get some hate mail because everybody thinks now.
I don't like dogs. I love dogs. Let's be clear, we all love dogs. I wish there was one in here that just came and went home and took care of himself. But I don't want to take care of him. Yeah. You know? And I know that people love their dogs because they're lonely. They're lonely. I'm going out of town this weekend. Could you watch my dog actually? Oh yeah, you know what? That would be great. I do like, you guys know Hardy? The country music singer, Hardy? Yes, I do.
Yeah. I know hardy. He has a funny song, a funny song. It's like, you know, we grew up with our dogs stay outside. Like, it's like we're growing. It's some line like that. It's like point is, yeah, meant to be outside. Yeah. And most of them aren't anymore. Yeah. My dog's a little bit of a bitch also. So he's he needs to stay. It's a small dog. I kind of get it. It's just like these big, you know, a hundred pound labs. Yeah. That are like, you know, in studios.
Anyway, enough talk about National Dog Day. Happy National Dog Day. We let the dogs out. Nice. Should have had that. Is that a little bit of a question? Yeah, it's okay. Yep. Yes. All right. In the least shocking or this, there's two in the least shocking categories in the news today, but only fans made a decision of what? 10 days ago ish to remove pornography.
Uh, six days, four hours. When did you put that application into McDonald's? Congratulations. They removed pornography or decided to remove it. I don't know if it ever came down having not being a regular on only fans. Happily married. Thank you. But, uh, they've, they've, uh, reversed that decision to ban the explicit con they actually wanted to stay in business. That the only place I got revenue from. Yeah.
Once they saw how many people were leaving. Yeah. I'm just glad several members of my extended family can eat again. So, yeah. Like because of pornography. Yes. To be clear. Is it just kind of like, I don't know, uh, McDonald's like shutting down every store for a week and hoping that it doesn't hurt their business and restarting, like, is it like the most ill thought through decision? But is there like a, an upside of
marketing when someone does something like that. Like OnlyFans was now it was everywhere. You think they did it for. What do you think they actually wanted to? I usually subscribe to the, you know, all news is good news for the most part. Like what you're saying, like, you know, potentially, but I don't think so, because you not when you pissed off your core user base. Pornographers, pornographers, pornographers.
You're the professionals that they are. And then they potentially leave and they're probably not going to come. Like they're probably like, well, screwed. I'm not going back because they might do this again. Right. They might change their mind again. So I don't I don't. Where are they going to get it? Maybe we should start our own business. I mean, like only fans, but for pornography. OK. You know, uh, Patreon. Sure. Yeah, Patreon. Pay for it. Pay. I'm trying to think of a pun, but I'm just lost. Yeah.
PornTreon? PornTreon. Is that one? PornTreon. That's a sure. Okay. Anyway, so if you're into that thing, OnlyFans is back. Yeah. Hashtag back. There's definitely a joke. Yeah, we're not gonna go there. Nah. So, you guys see this week ago, Elon Musk and the scariest news of the week, this was actually last week, it kinda came out, I don't know if we talked about it, but humanoid robots.
that Elon Musk is building. Like they're actually, like, they look like exactly from what, like, I robot with Will Smith or whatever it was, like, they look exactly like that. Why? That's my question. To do the task and jobs that people don't really wanna do is what he said. And thus, and he happened to mention in the same story that there should be universal pay because he recognized this.
He recognizes. So eventually we're already kind of started to pay people to stay home. Like kind of what we've done during the pandemic. And I think he's all, but saying, well, there's a lot of jobs too, that people don't want, let's create robots that do them. And then people really will stay home because we're going to kill. 500 million jobs or not 500 million, but 500,000 jobs. And we know that's going to create an issue. So let's have universal pay. Did he give example of the jobs? Like ditch digging or yeah. I mean, it was stuff like.
I forget, like, some of it was like, sanitation. Like, it was stuff that you would go, yeah, nobody really wants to do that. Right. I don't know, last resort job. How real do these humanoids look? Jeff Behus has won, Bill Gates has already won. They're pretty real. Yeah. You guys did a skittle on that, didn't you? He's actually won himself. He's been working on himself. That's why Sean's so interested. He played Elon Musk in a video. Quite well, I might add. Thank you.
You were very good. You did very well as Bill Gates. Yeah. That was funny, though. So what if he was inspired by the Will Smith movie, dude? He might have been. They look like they look like white. They look. Have you seen our robot? Like the yes. Yeah, they look almost exactly like those robots. That's terrifying. And it's like, if you've seen the movie, why would you ever want to like it? He's talked about it never ends up well. No, it never ends up well. Like, let's empower the robots. They get smart enough and they go. They realize that humans are not.
very intelligent after all that we make a lot of irrational decisions and then they turn on us. Yeah, they're smarter than us, they're stronger than us. Elon Musk has even come out and said he fears the power of AI and here he is building a freaking humanoid robot. Yeah, remember when he was on the Joe Rogan podcast, he also talked about planting chips in people's brains to make them smarter? Yes. I do. He's talking about doing that to himself. That could be done possibly by...
I think he did it. I think he maybe he did it. And it's like going the other direction. Now he's making robots. It's made him not as smart. I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Literally in every movie, book, TV show that someone creates robots, they become like sentient and kill people. Yeah. There's literally like a sense about that, right? Like everything. Everything called Terminator. Well, he was a good guy, though, right? He was bad. The first one. Yeah, he was bad. They sent him the first one to kill Sarah Connor.
But this is like the plot of every sentient thing, right? Yeah. Dystopia. We really learned a lot from it. He was like racing towards it now. Walking on Terminator. Maybe it's just back to that brand play, awareness familiarity, and now everyone wants to create a killer robot. We got a plague and sentient robots. It's like a mashup. Walking dead and. Maybe it's kind of like the ice cream machines. They're just going to make the robots, because they're making a killer, and he's the only one that's got the.
They're gonna turn on him though. And he's gonna make every person pay to turn the robot off. Well, I mean, think about it. He also wants to start travel to Mars, right? He wants to start life on other planets. This would be a good way of speeding it up. He's preempting us. What are the odds that he's just a whack job completely? No, no, of course not. Pretty high. 700% chance. Yeah. But also very wealthy. Sure. Seems like they all are. Take, give and take, right? It's kind of like you, kind of like you, Ryan. Thank you.
You got to be a little crazy to do anything crazy. That's fair enough. In quote. NFTs, you guys heard of these? Non-fungible tokens. Yeah. Speaking of being wealthy, a JPEG of a rock sold for a million bucks. Not the rock. Six, not the rock, a rock. Not Iraq. And a digital rock. A little rock. Sold for like a million bucks. Yeah, I don't, I don't get it. I don't get it either.
Like I watch my kids play. I understand the metaverse. I get that values being placed on digital things and skins. I don't understand the rock for a million bucks. Well, that's because you guys don't get art. So, you know. Yeah. But do you think this is like, you know, I lost a million dollars, guys, is what I'm trying to tell you right now. I can't find the NFC. You know, you know how the art world is like a great way to hide money? Yeah. Like that's why Jackson. Do you think this is just another way for people to?
Launder money. But I just would want to hide my money on something I know is going to be worth something. And while a Picasso makes sense to me, but digital rock is not. Some digital things maybe. Yeah. Like there was like an art piece that was done digitally that I saw the beauty in and was like, ah, okay, I probably wouldn't pay half a million dollars, but like I see that it's unique. So then what do you do? Like look it up on your phone whenever you want to see it?
Yeah, you own the code to it. So, but what do you do? Yeah, that's a good point. What do you do? I just take a screen capture of it and just look at it from time to time. I've got a million dollars. I'll sell it to you for a dollar. Yeah. Screen cap of it. I guess you could have one of those, like you could just have a big like monitor in your house and project it on your wall. Interesting. But it's just still just a rock. Yeah, it is. I'm going to stick to my tangible goods.
Yeah. Notice the stock market and and and bitcoins. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The sure a sure thing. Super tangible. Yeah. Steady. So Kanye West and Drake are in a little bit of a feud. They Kanye leaked Drake's home address, which struck me as OK. He got him. But then I was like, can you not really find out where Drake's address? Yeah. The problem isn't knowing where he lives. It's like you're never going to get in. Yeah. Got a gate. Yeah. Gate and seven security guards.
Like he asked one of the guys on the Hollywood bus tours where Drake lives and he's like, yeah, that's the map. That's it. Put it on our map. Yeah. Yeah. Because he has 400 million followers, like that's why it mattered. I don't know. Yeah. Did anyone go to Drake's house? That's the question. Kim did. There's a low key beef about that. That's what I'm serious. That's it. There's speculation about. Oh. Been a while. Yeah, exactly.
So, yeah, that's a great question. Like he's got he lives in Canada, probably. Right, Drake? He has a house in every house. How many homes does he have? Like his home address? Drake probably has five. Yeah. Which one? Probably pretty easy for him to speak. That's his third guest house. Not a big deal. Well, he probably lives in a gated community where you can't get in no matter what. Yeah. Right. With probably gun turrets as well. That's why this is kind of like patty caking to me. Like I'm going to, you know, a little bitch fight. Like, OK, he gave his home address. I'm going to Google Earth tonight and find a dude.
Do it. You wanna go? Yeah. Just don't call him Kanye, it's yay again, officially. Yay. So yeah, yay. You know. Yeah. And look, I like Kanye West music. I kind of dig his whole vibe, other than being a little crazy. The name change thing, don't get it, but whatever you wanna call yourself, fine with me, but it's like, just pick one and stick with it maybe. Yeah. No, P-Daddy was once Puff Daddy too. Right, so. Sometimes you have to change with the times. Puff Puff Give.
Yeah, Sean Puffy Combs. Yeah. Yeah, that's it's the name change thing is it's been done, right? Yeah. But he's but he's gone to it back. Yeah. But like nobody cares. I think. Well, we're talking about it now. Yeah, we are. He's he's on the drag cast news, so it must be important. That's well, that's it doesn't get on here if it's not. That's true. For sure. That is the and in our second and final intro, you're like, that's right. Anyway, we're going to leave that one there.
The, uh, world's fastest roller coaster being built in Japan and, uh, zero to a hundred in less than two seconds, but they've shut down the secondly, shocking news of the week because they were breaking bones of people writing on it. No shit. Zero to a hundred in less than two seconds. Who would think throwing a human body from zero to a hundred in two seconds would be a bad thing as well. Not just a straight line. It's called a crash test dummy. Yeah. It's in Japan. You said, yeah, it's population control is what it is.
I think so. Yeah, Darwinism at his finest, bro. OK. It's probably easier ways to kill more people. Thank you. Yeah, you deserved it. It's a front, though. Yeah, it's an amusement park front for death. OK. Yeah. It's like Scooby Doo. Remember the really a plan here. He really is the old man old man munching from down at the river. Take Joey's. Who's you? Dark kids.
What's the roller coaster called? Do we have any idea? Something in Japanese probably. The fastest fuck machine. The bone breaker. Alright, we're gonna move to our marketing. Our true marketing. Some of that's marketing. I think a lot was. Like you were saying, we kept talking about stuff. We're talking about it. I know. If it hits the Radcast, it must be news. And if it doesn't, play it changing. Get the fuck out of here.
So on the first news article of the week, Instagram is ditching swipe ups in favor of stickers. What does that mean? Okay. You know, a story you see everybody. Yeah, we do the swipe up. So it's just changing the swipe up. You would no longer be able to swipe up to go to a website. You'll push a sticker button. Oh, okay. So that you can design a sticker, different things like there's stickers now, but they'll be. Touchable.
Okay, I was going to say we worked very hard to be able to get the swipe up. Yeah. Dude, should we, should we let the civilians know it's, it's 10,000 followers should be able to swipe up. Yeah, it is. And it's that, that, that is going to remain with the stickers. Okay. Sticker swipe. So we will be eligible for stickers then. You'd still be eligible. Yes. For now. I was going to say, I was going to walk away from this whole thing. Yeah. The RADcast are just life? Life. Wow. Yeah. Harsh. Yeah. Wow. That was close. Yeah. So August 31st. So just be ready. You know, you got to do stickers and that.
Swipe it. Okay. Got about a week. We can annoy people in a new way now. Sure. Yeah. Tap the button. Tap it like it's hot. Why's it got to be a sticker? Why isn't it just a button? Sticker sounds fun. Does it? That's what Instagram calls them stickers. Little kids kind of. Yeah. Tap the sticker. I'm hoping that I can use my custom verified Ryan Offert GIFs as the sticker to push to go to links. There you go. I'll be really happy if they can do that.
I don't know if that's capable until they launch it, but we'll see. It sounds reasonable. It sounds. Yeah. Yes. I have nine million impressions on my GIFs. You do? Yes. Wow. In less than a year. Very nice. It's called a brand play, my friends. Can you sell those? It's also called a GIF. Oh, yeah. We curate them. Really? That is also true. GIF. GIF. It's also called a GIF. Honestly, this is interesting. So you can create that and then what do you sell it? Do you sell it to like a company that
Well, we can sell them because we can create them for companies and get them licensed to be a GIF or a GIF or technically a GIF. I heard a couple years ago Van Dam made like $4 million in one year just off of his GIF. Rob Van Dam? That's not what the Instagram GIFs are. You're not making money when people use them. It's more just an awareness thing. Okay.
Like, cause like you do keywords, like I'm like, if you do radical, you search for radical in the gifts, like my, a couple of mine are trending on the first page. So it's a brand play, but you're not making money. Just put the gift on Instagram. How, how would you make money? There's, there's websites that like, I think there's pay or pay walls or different things for using them. You're trying to figure it out so you can do it. Yeah, we're doing gifts, dude. Okay. I'm starting at gifts only only fans.
Yes. But see, like, each one of your characters, you create, you guys could create gifts for those that people use them, like doing gestures and things like that. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. There you go. Whatever it is. Huge X. We're making gifts. Okay. Yeah. You're in charge. We'll talk about it. All right. For $9.99, I'll teach you how to do it. Okay. All right. So in the, another bit of the head-scratching news from a brand.
Mountain Dew introducing Flaming Hot Mountain Dew drink. It's Pepsi's hottest crossover yet. Yeah. Yeah, that's not. Uh, well, dude, the people that eat the flame, the flaming hot are probably drinking Mountain Dew at the same time. So that, you know, I mean, get it all at once. Yeah. Just get the middleman. There you go. Hey, I just, fine. I mean, but just because you can doesn't mean you always should. Sure. And, uh, I like some hot stuff. I like flaming hot stuff.
But I don't want to drink. Nope. No, like really hits the back. I feel like everyone might like everyone out of curiosity might taste it, but no one's going to repeatedly buy it. Unless it's I mean, should you bring some into the Radcast next week? I think so. Like that delicious Mike's Hard Lemonade we had last week. So good. We're never going to work with Mike's Hard Lemonade. Probably they're never ever going to hire us because it that and I'm I'm attributing it to being the harder version. It could have been it. Yeah. But it was no bueno. No.
did not taste like potentially rubbing alcohol with the like a hint of lemon. That's OK. Sure. I gave him out. I thought I was being really nice. We're it's National Lemonade Day. They get tips like everybody's face. I can feel my own face when I was drinking it like I was like, it's like pokering up combined with completely put off. Yeah. I felt not good after that. We had a race to the sink to see if we could pour those out first. Yeah. Josh chugged his was weird. Yeah.
Yeah, he's still getting over. That's why he's not here today. Yeah, he's in the hospital. Yeah, that's unfortunate. Mike's harder. Lemonade. Call us, Mike's. Yeah, call us. Yeah. We could make it not... We could put a lipstick on the pig, though. Sure. Good at that. They pay me enough, I'll drink it instead of water. I don't want shit. Only Mike's. That's like only fancy. Only Mike's. That could be their new media channel. Only Mike's. Only Mike's. That's... Yeah, they need to do something.
That formula was not good. Not good is the harder formula. I'm going to chalk it up to the base form is probably OK. The regular is probably the harder. Not so good. Kind of like a like a ice. But it was never the Mikulobah. I was the ice beer that was just too small. No, no ice house. Oh, yeah. It's like I love beer more than anybody, but ice has just like. Well, remember, remember, or Loco too much. Oh, yeah. For Loco, people were dying. Oh, yeah. Caffeine. And yeah, who knows what else in that large.
amounts of people were dying in college from it. Yeah, that's our that's our tag. Yeah, large amounts of people are dying. Yeah. For Loco. Who were the test subjects before he released this? They obviously didn't do any. Yeah. Yeah. This is fine. Just put it out there. I just do pre-workout in Grey Goose now. Hits the same. Yeah. That's great. Yeah. You have major heart problems. I do now. Yeah.
So let us know in the comments. This is definitely going to make a highlight clip. I know it is. Mountain Dew Flaming Hot. Yay. Rad or fad? I'm calling it. Yay. Yay or nay. Yeah. Oh. Nay. OK. I like it. So it would be fun. It would be better if it was flaming hot, if it was temperature hot. They keep it in like an alto sham oven, and you get one out, and it's like, oh shit. But it's Mountain Dew. I like that idea better. Like hot tea? Yeah, but it's Mountain Dew. Maybe like a Popsicle. Maybe a Popsicle. Like a hot Popsicle.
Like that's cold. I don't know. OK. That doesn't really jive with my plan. It doesn't jive with my plan. I'm just trying to think of something that would make it better than a drink. Like a popsicle would be, I guess, better. Yeah. Because then it's a food stuff. The next article shares of alka-seltse are up 47 percent. Facebook is really you guys use Facebook Messenger? Yeah. Yeah. So here and there.
They've been really toying with the messaging app and they've added a call button. It's like, Facebook tries to jam every fucking feature in everything. It's like, you know, like, are we really capturing everything? Do people want to call from the messenger app? You know what else has a call button? My fucking phone. My phone does. Can you call internationally on this if it's on Wi-Fi? Maybe. I mean, I think they're trying to compete with WhatApp maybe. Because that's the difficult thing. You know, they own them, right?
They own WhatsApp? I think so. Probably. That would not surprise me. They own everything pretty much. But, yeah. Because WhatsApp is frustrating because you can't call anyone if they're not your friend. It's like if you're international, you can't call like a random number. You're trying to call a lot of random numbers. I'm trying to call Drake, dude. I know where Drake lives. I'm trying to call him now. His phone number has stopped by. Go to his Facebook page. I found it. So yeah. If you're on a messaging app, you already pretty much have made the point that you don't
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Point taken. I don't want to call. But how many times you accidentally hit that button? You're like, oh, shit, shit, shit, shit. No, no, no, no. Did you try to video chat me? Yeah. I do that sometimes. Like I'm trying to message someone and I call them. I'm like, this is the last person I want to have a conversation with. Right. But you call. I hit the button. It was usually you yesterday. It's like in it. Did it ring? Did it ring on their end? I hope it didn't ring on their end, because I don't want them calling you back. Call you right back. They call you. I don't even want to be called on an actual phone though most of the time. You know, right. I'm just like.
Most people are annoyed by calls though. Yeah. You know. I called you also, that's weird. Well. Straight to voicemail. Yeah. Or when it rings twice and you're straight to voicemail, yeah, they sent you to voicemail. Yeah, yeah. The fuck you button. Yeah. Like when someone's calling you that you don't wanna talk to you, you like don't wanna touch the phone, you're like I don't wanna accidentally like pick that up somehow or send them to voicemail. Or I love when you call someone and they text you back, like hey, did you mean to call? Yeah. Like well now I know you don't wanna talk to me, so. Yeah. No.
The etiquette of messaging and calling in 2021 or non etiquette Facebook messenger, but dial somebody. Look how far we've come. So we talked last week about, uh, Apple and, uh, spying on your photos to make sure you weren't beating any kids. Um, which is obviously a serious subject. So I don't want to make like that, but more of this privacy issue, but, uh, the watchdog, some company that like checks into these things has said, uh, without a doubt.
Uh, they are bypassing their own security system to do this and thus creating a hole, uh, with which the bad things could come through, uh, you know, the whole point of these layers of security or so they can't be patched or whatever. And right. This is the Apple's creating a significant security issue with what they're doing to themselves, to themselves, but then to us. But you can call people with
Facebook Messenger now, so don't even worry about it. So we got four new features, so don't worry about it. So run some more ads. What's the reason for them checking people's photos? They're you weren't there last week. They're scanning the code, supposedly, you know, Bob in the back's not like looking at your photos, but supposedly they're looking at the code of your photos to look for metadata and other things that match with pornography online, like child pornography.
So again, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Yeah. To me, that just sounds, I understand that, but it sounds like an excuse to be able to just track people.
Thank you. That's it for me today. Thank you, Sean. I've been Sean. I'm out of here. Yeah. So I feel like it's probably already been happening all along, though. Yeah, definitely. They're just covering it up with like, we're doing it for child pornography. You know, we run a lot of digital ads. We do a lot of that stuff. We're retargeting for, you know, you look at a pair of shoes. It follows you on the Internet. You know, it's but it's relevant. You looked at it. We're trying to help you make a decision and forfeited. You're a nice guy. Nice. We do some.
pretty crazy stuff from a digital target, but I get asked at least once a week. I swear my phone's listening to me. I was talking about something I've never looked for. I'd never searched for it. And I found it was in my feed an hour later and I was just talking about it. Yeah. So everyone thinks that that's going on and I can tell you firsthand in a mainstream way, it's not, but what's happened is behavioral targeting what's going on so that. It might seem freaky, but
You've you've visited some site or done something that's triggered that ad content. It might be very similar to what you talked about. But it's you know, I thought it was just God sending me messages. You always say that. Why these shoes purchase shoes? Sean got to me. Purchase this. Yeah. You had remember you had stomach issues the other day. You like like it's God.
telling me not to eat more burritos. It was just a, it was Mountain Dew Flamin' Hot. The Radcast brought to you by Mountain Dew Flamin' Hot. Yes, we've promoted it. Yeah. Flamin' Hot. Flamin' Hot Radcast. You think we'd get a flavor for the Radcast? Like we'd start flavoring everything Flamin' Hot. It's flaming. Or branding it. Guy Fiori already cornered that market, so. Donkey sauce. True, he just had the branding with flames and all that. Yeah. I like Guy, though. I don't know. I know he's cheesy, but he kinda owns it.
I, you know, just you. You gonna say it? I know most people don't. You like, no, I'm not gonna say it. You like guys. I wasn't gonna say it. I like what I was gonna say. I like to be manhandled. I like you. I like to be manhandled. Bletch. That's a good one. I hate Tommy Lasorda. Yeah. We're gonna do a movie quotes edition. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. It has to be done. Any Joey, Joe and Sean news?
Any final thoughts? Any? We're flying down to Tampa, Florida today to shoot at a soundstage down there with So Crispy Media from Greenville, South Carolina. Yeah, nice. They're very innovative YouTube filmmakers. So, yeah. And somehow we ended up shooting with them. With them. I don't know how it happened. Yeah. Twenty one pilots was on the soundstage at one time. And now us. Now you got us.
They might want their money back.
Imagine Dragons. I think it's the next step. Oh, dang, dude. Don't get my hopes up like that. What's the latest skits? I've saw the flippers was very funny. House flipping. House flipping. Yeah. Very funny. We just filmed another up and coming sketch. Part two. Part two. And yeah, that'll be coming out next few weeks. Yeah, I'm normally skeptical about sequels for obvious reasons, but I felt like there was enough
stuff to go after it again. Yeah. Yeah. It's weird, too, because we've been playing like these similar characters. But I feel like if they're not in the certain up and coming context, even, it's like. It's funny, but it's not relevant to people's minds. You know what I mean? Yeah. Some sequels we've done have been wildly popular. It is in the past. No, for sure. Establish something and then take it takes off a little bit. Yes. That and Chad and Chad.
Mel Karen's pretty popular. Yeah. All those got better times though. Well, they would almost have to. Branding familiarity. Yeah. Um, cool. Any other live shows? We're working on that right now. We're, we're trying to find the right, uh, venue and we would like to perform in downtown Greenville.
that we're looking for the right spot to be able to perform. We were so ungullible that we can trick into letting us. Hey, we have a nice outdoor area here. Let's do it here. Yeah. If anybody's watching and has a theater, they want to shut down with sold out tickets. Yeah. Hit up Imagine Dragons. But then come to us. Then you have opening act. Yeah. But that that is it. It is an interesting time right now where I feel like theaters are on the fence of opening back up to full capacity. And so we're trying to work our way in.
Cool. It has to be full capacity for us because we're gonna sell it out. Because we're gonna sell it out. We'll be on the lookout for our channels, guys have put out some good content. We've got a few things, cooking. We've got, well, Ron, not Ron Burgundy-esque. Yes, yes. The Florathon. That came out today, you guys, they posted it today. Yeah, so be on the lookout for that. We're gonna share that on all the channels. Very funny. Pushing the envelope. Yeah. Cool. Hey guys, well you know where to find us. Joey, Joe and Sean.
Find them on Instagram and on TikTok and just about anywhere else, YouTube, etc. Find us at theradcast.com search for all the content. This has been today's marketing news, Friday, August 27th. We'll see you next time. To listen to full episodes or to contact us, visit us on the web at theradcast.com or follow our host at Ryan Alford on Instagram. Thanks for tuning in.