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Edward Balassanian

Edward Balassanian Profile Photo

Podcast Guest: Get on Board with AI Marketing Trends with Edward Balassanian, Founder & CEO of Aimi

Greetings Ryan,

I’m a serious fan of your Right About Now podcast. I really loved the episode about how greatness has no plan B with Matt Higgins. I wanted to suggest a guest who has some great advice to help businesses scale content and would be a great fit for the show - Edward Balassanian, Founder and CEO of Aimi.

Edward is a seasoned entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience, more than 80 patents to his name, and a proven track record of launching successful startups. Edward is a sought-after thought leader. He’s been hosted on TechFirst and selected by Business Insider as one of the 13 most innovative startups in the AI space. He also gave a great talk at last year's SXSW Unpacking Music AI.

Elon Musk even called Edward’s past interview on Robert Scoble’s podcast “cool”! He recently appeared on Scoble’s Unaligned podcast again to discuss the future of AI in marketing and give a demo of the company’s newest product, Aimi Sync.

Here are a few topics Edward could discuss on the Right About Now:
-Scale with AI: The AI Advantage
-Futureproofing marketing
-Content is king, but customization is queen

Would you be interested in having Edward on the Right About Now with Ryan Alford podcast? Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks for your time,